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Here are some reasons you should consider golf lessons:
• Beginners - You're new to the game and want to avoid bad golf habits.  Golf lessons from a PGA professional give you a stable foundation for building your skills.  
• Lessons also help you focus on the mental approach.
• Ladies - the individual lessons and ladies clinics focus on lessons customized for ladies of all skill levels.
• Juniors - start early as practice makes perfect.
• Clinics - clinics are designed to give comfort that your not the only one that has areas to improve on and in a clinic, everyone is learning together.
• Practicing but seeing little improvement - maybe your doing something minor that needs professional eyes to correct.  A few golf lessons can help you pinpoint what changed in your game.  When you do something on a regular basis, you build a kind of instinct or intuition about it.  Golf is no different.  Golf lessons let you correct the flaws that creep into your swing or short game over time.  Those corrections go a long way toward improving your game without adding countless hours on the range or course.
• Get an opinion about your gear -  PGA Professionals can give you some honest advice about whether an equipment upgrade can realistically improve your game.

Typical lessons include our experienced PGA instructors going through three simple steps:
1- Interview you to get a feel for your experience and current ability, but more importantly, what your goals are and how we can assist to get you going in the right direction.
2- Evaluation & analysis where the the instructor will watch you hit a few shots and ask detailed questions about your game.  After evaluating, the instructor will identify the one or two things that will make a difference during play.
3- Coaching where the instructor will illustrate how to practice your key issues as well as provide you with drills to target areas of improvement until you meet again.